As you implement the Syncplicity On-Premise Storage Connector, you need to have already set up and configured certain software and created host names and IP addresses before you start. In addition, you also need to write down network- and configuration-related information. You can use the Information Worksheet to collect all of this information in one place.
Hardware Requirements
Syncplicity On-Premise Storage Connector server 1:
IP address or host name _________________________________________
How much RAM _________________________________________________
How many cores __________________________________________
Size of HDD _____________________________________________________
Syncplicity On-Premise Storage Connector server 2:
IP address or host name _________________________________________
How much RAM _________________________________________________
How many cores __________________________________________
Size of HDD _____________________________________________________
Configuration Requirements
Network Configuration - Storage Connector 1:
Static IP address or hostname of Syncplicity Storage Connector ____________________________
Netmask of Syncplicity Storage Connector ____________________________
Gateway IP address or hostname _____________________________________
Broadcast IP address or hostname ____________________________________
Network Configuration - Storage Connector 2:
Static IP address or hostname of Syncplicity Storage Connector ____________________________
Netmask of Syncplicity Storage Connector ______________________________
Gateway IP address or hostname _____________________________________
Broadcast IP address or hostname ____________________________________
SSL-Offloading Load Balancer Information:
Name of Certification Authority (CA): __________________________________
Certificate number: _________________________________________________
Expiration date: ____________________________________________________
Port to which the Syncplicity clients connect: ______________________________
(recommended port number is HTTPS 443)
Destination port on each Syncplicty Storage Connector: 9000
Isilon Information:
Isilon cluster name or IP address: ______________________________________
Name of Syncplicity data directory: ___________________________________
Isilon cluster name used in NFS mount entry: /etc/fstab
(Must be a SmartConnect Network with a dynamically configured IP address)
Name of mounted folder: mnt syncdata nfs rw
Standard NFS Storage Information:
NFS server hostname or IP address: ___________________________________
Name of Syncplicity data directory: __________________________________
Name of mounted folder: mnt syncdata nfs rw
Syncplicity Configuration Information:
Location and name of Syncplicity configuration file: /etc/syncp-storage/syncp-storage.conf
Syncplicity access key: ______________________________________________
Storage type: ( fs for generic NFS, atmos for Atmos, s3 for AWS or azure for Microsoft Azure) _______________________________
Atmos-Specific Configuration Information:
URL for listening mode: __________________________________________
Atmos authentication token: ____________________________________
Atmos secret key: _______________________________________________
AWS-Specific Configuration Information:
S3 bucket name: ____________________________________
S3 access key: ____________________________________
S3 secret key: _______________________________________________
Generic NFS Specific Configuration Information:
Name of mount folder: /mnt/syncdata