Enabling support for the /version remote version query utility
To prevent the potential disclosure of this configuration information the default behavior of the /version lookup is disabled by default. However, there are circumstances when an admin may choose to enable this utility as a way to query all deployed storage connectors to ensure they are all running a consistent version.
The following information describes how a Storage Admin can enable and re-disable this /version utility.
Connect to your Storage Connector and enable the utility
- Edit the /etc/syncp-storage/syncp-storage.conf file
sudo vi /etc/syncp-storage/syncp-storage.conf
Insert the following text in the section of the file just below the proxy configuration:
# Syncplicity Web Services # ~~~~~ syncplicity.ws { proxy { enable: false host: "" port: 8080 } } syncplicity.versionPage.enabled = true
Save your changes to the syncp-storage.conf file
Restart the Storage Connector Service:
sudo service syncp-storage restart
Perform the following procedures on each Storage Connector.
NOTE: If the Storage Connectors are behind a load balancer running the /version query, only the results from whichever Storage Connector in the pool received that inbound request are displayed.
Executing the query
In any browser, enter the following address:
https://<storagevault URL>/version
The desired response will resemble the following:{"version":"","ovaVersion":"","nodeId":"12345678-f689-451e-bf0d-dfca7d510976","commitId":"f0c87d1fa96618bcc2bfe95dc141c5cbe2a461ea"}
Where the values indicate:
is the Storage Connector VersionOvaVersion
is the version of the .ova (if an .ova was deployed)NodeID
is the unique identifier for each Storage ConnectorCommitID
represents specific diagnostic information useful for aiding Syncplicity Support