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Monitoring Storage Connector resources

The Storage Connector depends on the local host resources.


Monitor each Storage Connector for local partitions mounted. The following items should be considered for monitoring.

  • Total size of the disk/partition.
  • Available space on the disk.
  • Percentage of space used on disk. Should not exceed 80%.
  • Percentage of inodes used on disk. Should not exceed 80%.
  • Disk Read/Write Ops. Completed read/write operations from/to all disks available to the instance in a specified period.
  • Disk Read/Write Bytes. Bytes read/write from/to all ephemeral disks available to the instance in a specified period.

System CPU

Each node should be monitored for the following:

  • Percentage of used CPU time. You should have a warning alert if the percentage of used CPU time is 70% or more during last 3 polling cycles. You should have a critical alert should the percentage of user CPU time is 85% or more during the last 3 polling cycles. Polling should be performed at least once a minute.
  • Percentage of CPU IO Wait. This shows the percentage of time that the CPU or CPUs were idle during which the system had an outstanding disk I/O request. Warning alert should be generated in case of percentage of CPU IO wait time is 50% or more during last 3 polling cycles. Critical alert should be generated in case of percentage of CPU IO wait time is 70% or more during last 3 polling cycles. Polling should be performed at least once a minute.

System Memory

Monitor the following memory parameters for each Storage Connector.

  • Percentage of Memory utilization. This reports only memory allocated by applications and the operating system, and excludes memory in cache and buffers
  • Memory used (Megabytes). This reports only memory allocated by applications and the operating system, and excludes memory in cache and buffers.
  • Memory available (Megabytes). This reports only memory allocated by applications and the operating system, and excludes memory in cache and buffers.
  • Percentage of Swap
  • Swap used (Megabytes)

You should have a warning alert if the percentage of Memory utilization is 70% or more during last 3 polling cycles. You should have a critical alert should the percentage of Memory utilization is 80% or more during last 3 polling cycles.

Storage Connector service

The syncp-storage process should be running on every VM. If you are at the systems, you can check its status as follows:

sudo service syncp-storage status

If it is down, restart it as follows:

sudo service syncp-storage start

You can also check that the Storage Connector service is accessible from your browser by entering the following command. If the service is accessible, a pong message appears in the browser.


If you are not able to access the service using a browser then on each Storage Connector server type the following command. If the service is accessible, a pong message appears in the browser.



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