Quick reference: Admin > User Accounts
This section describes the following administrative tasks for managing user accounts.
- Update user profile: Includes changing the user's name, email address and password. You can also designate the user as an administrator.
- Manage groups: Allows you to add or remove the user from various groups.
- Manage personal folders: Allows you to modify the special folders on the user's computer that are synchronized and backed up. You can also create a custom Syncplicity folder.
To add users, see Provisioning user accounts. For other managing user account tasks, such as impersonating a user, managing folder ownership, de-provisioning users, and change management, refer to the articles in the Managing users section.
For a Support Administrator or eDiscovery Administrator, there is a Privileges section in the Manage user page where you can view which groups the administrator can manage. To manage the user's group-based administration, see Assign groups to administrators.
Only a Global Administrator can change a user's role or delete a user.
To manage a specific user:
- Go to Admin > User Accounts .
- Select the user's name. Use the Search feature if there is a long list of users.
Update user profile
- Go to the right of the Manage User page, in the Tasks section.
- Click the Update user profile link.
- Edit the user's email address, name, password, or role.
- Click Save Profile to implement your changes.
Only a Global Administrator can change the role. There is one User role and three administrator roles. A User role has no administrator privileges. For more information, see About administrator roles.
Manage groups
You can add or remove the user from various groups. The user's groups are listed in the Groups section. o change the groups, click the Manage link.
In the Groups Membership page, you can add or remove the user's membership in each group by selecting the Membership Level: Member or None.
If you are managing specific groups (instead of all groups), you cannot assign a user to a group that you do not manage. Also, the system displays a message should you attempt to remove a user from a group, where that user would no longer be in any group that you manage.
Manage Personal folders
This feature allows you to modify the special folders on the user's computer that are synchronized and backed up. You can also create a custom Syncplicity folder.
To change the personal folders:
- Click the Manage link in the Personal Folders section.
- Determine which folders on the user's computer are synchronized to the Syncplicity account.
- Optionally, you can create a custom synchronized folder by clicking Create folder then entering a folder name. If there are multiple StorageVaults, you can also select which StorageVault to use. Click Save to implement your change.
- Click Save Folders.