Syncplicity Outlook Add-in for Windows allows Windows desktop users to upload files to their Syncplicity account and email a shared link instead of an actual file. In addition, users can set protection on those links, and send links to files already uploaded in their Syncplicity accounts, all within Outlook.
Whenever a user chooses to email a shared link to a file instead of the file itself, that file is uploaded to a special folder called Email Attachments. Recipients of the email receive a shared link instead of the file.
Syncplicity Outlook Add-in has the following components:
- Email Attachments folder
- Syncplicity icon and menu items for the Microsoft Outlook ribbons
- Policies
- Logs
Syncplicity Outlook Add-in is available for Microsoft Outlook 2010 and 2013 on the Windows platform only.
NOTE: Syncplicity Outlook Add-in for Windows is not the same as the Syncplicity Outlook Add-in for Office 365, which supports the Outlook Web App (OWA) in addition to the Windows desktop version of Outlook. For information on this Outlook Add-in, see About Syncplicity Outlook Add-in for Office 365.
Email Attachments folder
The Email Attachments folder contains the files that users attached to their email but elected to send as Syncplicity shared links. This folder has the following special properties:
- The folder cannot be deleted or shared. However, the files in the folder can be downloaded, shared or deleted as you would any other file in a Syncplicity folder.
- The folder does not allow subfolders.
- Files cannot be uploaded to this folder, except from email attachments from Outlook.
- Files cannot be versioned. Should a user upload the same file again through the Outlook add-in, it is uploaded as a different file. Therefore, there can be multiple occurrences of the same file.
- The folder does not synchronize to desktop clients.
- The folder is not available to the Syncplicity mobile clients. However, the folder is available in My Syncplicity.
- The folder is created on the default StorageVault of the user. Once created, the folder remains on that StorageVault even if the user's default StorageVault changes.
- Items in this folder count towards the user's account storage.
Syncplicity icon in Outlook
Once Syncplicity Outlook Add-in is installed on a user's desktop, the Syncplicity icon appears in the Outlook ribbon. Users can click the icon to view the Syncplicity menu. The Settings menu option allows users to configure send and security options, if not already set by an administrator.
In the new or reply mail ribbon, users have access to the Syncplicity menu items that allow them to attach a file currently in the user's Syncplicity account.
To use the add-in, users must be logged into their Syncplicity account; otherwise, they are prompted to log in.
The following policies allow you to manage Syncplicity Outlook Add-in.
- Outlook Enable Policy enables or disables the feature.
- Outlook Size Policy allows you to prevent your users from sending large files as email attachments. When a user attaches a file of a specific size or larger to an email, the file is automatically uploaded to the Syncplicity Email Attachments folder and a shared link emailed in its place.
- The client auto-update policy allows you to allow or limit automatic updates to the Outlook Add-in. You can limit updates to those that are necessary to keep the add-in online.
- The file type exclusion policy allows you to prohibit users from uploading specific types of files.
The Syncplicity Outlook Add-in adds the following events to the client log file:
- Any errors, including authentication errors.
- File attachment details, such as username, client device and version if available, path to file, and client IP address.
- The name of the policy set used when the file was shared.
- Whether the file was already attached or uploaded to the Email Attachments folder.
The log files are in the same location as the Syncplicity windows client logs, and users can easily send the log files to Syncplicity Support.