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Virtual desktop infrastructure

Syncplicity supports virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), which gives users secure access to centrally managed desktops running in the data center. VDI provides users a personalized desktop experience with an option to have full administrative control. Users can access their desktops from any connected device.

Use cases

  • A company must give users a personalized, rich desktop experience while addressing sensitive data requirements.
  • A user’s desktop is customized and continues from one session to another. Customized data are saved in between user sessions. 
  • A user is redirected back to the same desktop that contains only the customization saved in the user profile settings. These settings and files are backed up to the user profile and deployed back to the user during the start-up process.

Registry settings

As a company administrator, you can have the following registry entries on VDI computers for different experiences.

Registry key

Registry branch

Default value




ClearCacheOnLogoffHKLM\SOFTWARE\Syncplicity\1.00boolIdentifies if SyncDrive cache must be wiped on logoff1 - turned on
RunningOnVDIHKLM\SOFTWARE\Syncplicity\1.00boolIdentifies if application is hosted on VDI env1 - turned on
VdiDriveCacheSizeHKLM\SOFTWARE\Syncplicity\1.00IntegerSpecifies size of SyncDrive cache size in kilobytesIf value is set to 0, application sets cache size to default 3 gigabytes

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