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Client Update policy


This policy enables or disables the auto-update of the Syncplicity Windows desktop client and Syncplicity for Outlook Windows Add-in, but not the Syncplicity Mac desktop client or Syncplicity for Outlook Add-in for Office 365.

There are three options, as follows:

  • You can choose to have all updates automatically installed. This is the default setting.
  • You can choose to automatically install only those updates to keep the Syncplicity client online. Some updates are required over a period of time; if the client is not up to date, the user cannot log in until the client is updated.
  • You can choose to not automatically install any update. This setting allows you to rely on your organization's own software upgrade policies. In this case, it is the responsibility of the administrator to stay up-to-date on when new versions are released so that any required update is not missed. If updates are ignored, there is a risk that some older Syncplicity clients will be forced offline

You can choose to apply different or the same client update policy settings to the Syncplicity Windows desktop client and Syncplicity for Outlook. By default, the same option is applicable for both Desktop and Outlook Clients.


To access this policy:

  1. Click Admin in the console,  then click Policies.
  2. Expand Desktop Clients & Add-ins → Configuration. 
  3. If you wish to use the same settings for Syncplicity Windows desktop clients and Syncplicity for Outlook, check the Apply to all clients box in the Update Policy section. The tabs disappear and the settings apply to both. By default, the Apply to all clients checkbox is selected.
  4. If you wish to use different settings for Syncplicity Windows desktop clients and Syncplicity for Outlook, uncheck the Apply to all clients box in the Update Policy section and perform the following:
    • Select the Desktop clients tab and make your selection.
    • Select the Win Outlook Add-in tab and make your selection.
  5. When done, click Save at the bottom of the Manage Policy Set page.

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