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All shared links report

The All shared links report provides information about the file links shared with other Syncplicity users or external users. When the report is run, the output can be exported as a comma-separated values (CSV) file. The exported CSV file includes:

  • Shared file information - size, type, link URL
  • Link shared and expiration dates
  • Information about the owner of the shared file
  • Recipient information
  • Information on the latest download of the shared file

The report can be run for all emails or only external emails - whose email domain does not match the domain of your email address.

Create report

The following are the steps to create the report.

  1. Select All shared links from the Select Report Type drop-down field.
  2. Select the type of user:
    • Shared to any email
    • Shared to external emails only. All email addresses with an email domain that doesn't match your primary email domain are considered as external.
  3. Click Export Report to create a CSV file

Report Description

The name of the generated report file indicates the type of the report, as well as the timestamp when it was generated. In the CSV output file for this report, each row provides information on each sharing instance.  If the same file is shared with more than one recipient at any point in time, corresponding rows provide information related to each recipient.

The top two rows indicate the type of the report and the filters used - whether this is a report for links shared to any email or external emails only. See the table for information on the details provided in the report.

CSV file column

Shared File Name Name of the shared file.
Shared File Size (B) Size of the shared file in bytes.
Share Link URL

Link indicator for the URL of the shared link. The URL format is<Share link URL>/Filename . For example,

Share Link Type

Type of shared link:

Login required
Password required
Login and password required
Rights Management and permissions information, if applicable

Shared Link Message

Optional message that the user can include when sharing a link.

Link Permission Type

Type of permission given to the recipients:

Read for Readers
Edit for Editors

Expiration Date Date when the shared link expires.
Shared By Email address of the user who shared the link.
Shared Date Date when the link was shared.
Shared File Path Location of the file in the owner's Syncplicity account. If the file is in a root folder, the value is the folder name. Otherwise, it indicates the full folder path.
Owner Email Email address of the file owner.
Owner Full Name Full name of the file owner.
Owner Status Indicates whether the owner account is active.
Recipient Name Full name of the recipient, if available.
Recipient Email/Group Name Email or group name of the recipient, if available.
Recipient UserID User ID of the recipient, if available.
Recipient is an External User Indicates whether the recipient is an external user.
Latest Download Date Indicates when the shared file was last downloaded, if applicable.
Latest Download Country Code Indicates the country code of the location of the last file download, if applicable. If the same file is downloaded multiple times on the same day and same location, only a single record is displayed.
Latest Download Location

Full name of the location from which the Syncplicity user downloaded the file, if applicable.

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