Syncplicity reporting provides administrators visibility into the utilization and activity within their account by allowing them to run and export various reports from within the admin console.
Available Reports
There are various audit reports to audit a user, folder, file, administrator actions, and last login by user.
The storage reports include storage by user, storage by file type, and user storage by file type.
There are two ways for administrators to access these reports:
- The Admin console Reports tab lets you select the report you wish to run.
- The Admin console dashboard tab has direct links to each of the reports. See About the Admin dashboard.
Admin console reports tab
To access the Reports page, click Admin then Reports. From this page you can select which reports to run by selecting the report name from the Select report type drop down menu.
The report parameter entry area of the reports page changes to correspond with the selected report.
Admin console dashboard tab
If you click Admin then Dashboard, the Run a Report area of the dashboard allows quick, direct access to the various Syncplicity reports that provide administrators visibility into their account.
Running and viewing reports
To enter your reporting parameters:
- (optional) Start typing a user's name or email address. The autocomplete feature will assist with locating additional names. Click the x icon to clear the selected entry and start over.
- Start typing the Syncplicity folder name in the input field.
- Enter the Date Range.
- The start of the date range for all reports cannot be earlier than January 1st, 2011
- The end of the date range cannot be later than today's date
- The maximum range between start and end dates cannot exceed 1 year (365 days)
- Click the Export Report button. When the input is validated, you are prompted to either accept or edit the default file name of the report's CSV output file. Add information to the default filename to assist in the future with identifying the specific report's purpose.
The export job is submitted to the reports server and queued for processing. When the report's CSV output file is generated it is uploaded to the designated Syncplicity Folder. By default, reports output to the Syncplicity Reports folder in the cloud StorageVault within your account. Alternately, you can configure the Reporting Folders setting to Export each report type to a separate Syncplicity folder (see Configuring the reporting folders). - Access the report files by clicking on the View files link in the Export Report dialog box or navigate to the Files tab on the Syncplicity website.
- If the report's CSV output file does not contain data (other than the report's name, input parameters,and column names) adjust the input parameters and run the report again.
- If you refresh or revisit the reports page, a notification that indicates how many reports you currently have in the process of being generated. Reports with large result sets may take several minutes to generate before the output file is available in the Syncplicity Reports folder (or the folder corresponding to the report name).
- If after several retries a report cannot be generated an empty output file is written to the Syncplicity Reports folder (or the folder corresponding to the report name); however, it will include an indicator and error reference number as part of the filename that will assist Syncplicity Support to resolve the issue.