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Company devices report

The Company devices report provides information on all devices for this Syncplicity account. When the report is run, the output can be exported as a comma-separated values (CSV) file. The exported CSV file includes:

  • Device name
  • Information on the owner of the device
  • Device type and OS used
  • First connected and last online timestamps
  • Syncplicity client version used on this device
  • Multi-factor authentication status

Create Company devices report

  1. Select the Company devices report from the Select Report Type dropdown menu.
  2. Click on Export Report to create a CSV file.

Explanation of the Company folders report's CSV file columns and rows

The name of the generated report file indicates the type of the report, as well as the timestamp when it was generated. In the CSV output file for this report, each row provides information on each device. 

The top two rows indicate the type of the report and the filters used. Since this report export does not use any filters, the 'Report filters' value will always be 'All devices'. See the below table for information on the details provided in the report.

CSV file columns


Device Name Name of the device. This can be edited from the 'Devices' section of your Syncplicity account.
Owner Device owner's name.


Device owner's email address.
Type Device type - a Windows computer, Mac, Android device, iPhone or iPad.
OS The version of the Operating System used on this device.
Last Online: Date Time: UTC Timestamp in UTC indicating the last time this device was used to access the Syncplicity account.
Last Online: Date Time: UTC +X Timestamp in local time indicating the last time this device was used to access the Syncplicity account. The name of the column depends on the device location - UTC +1, UTC +3, etc.

First Connected: Date and Time: UTC

Timestamp in UTC indicating the first time this device was used to access the Syncplicity account.

First Connected: Date and Time: UTC +X

Timestamp in local time indicating the first time this device was used to access the Syncplicity account. The name of the column depends on the device location - UTC +1, UTC +3, etc.

Client Version

The version of the Syncplicity client used on this device. If only the My Sycnplicity web application is used, this field will remain blank.
MFA Status

Indicates whether the device passed the multi-factor authentication and can be used. Possible values are:

  • NotRequired - the device is synchronized without multi-factor authentication, as it was not enabled at the time.
  • Pending - the device needs to be verified.
  • Verified - the device is already verified and synchronized.
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