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About eDiscovery and Syncplicity

Electronic discovery (eDiscovery) is the electronic aspect of identifying, collecting and producing electronically stored information in response to a request or investigation.

To help with such requests and investigations, Syncplicity provides the following features:

  • eDiscovery Administrator role

This is a read-only role with access to Syncplicity reports, user accounts, devices, and folders. The role can also be limited to specific user groups. The unique feature for the eDiscovery role is that it can be used to silently impersonate a user, where the administrator can access any files and folders by a specific user. Unlike a Global Administrator impersonating a user, the user is not notified of the impersonation. However, the impersonation is captured in the Audit Administrator Actions report.To add a new user and assign the eDiscovery Administrator role, see Provisioning user accounts. For details about impersonating a user, see Impersonate a user.

  • eDiscovery compliance email archiving

A Global Administrator can configure a company mailbox to which all Syncplicity system generated emails associated with your company are blind copied (BCC). For details, see Managing eDiscovery compliance email archiving.

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