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Customizing email templates

Syncplicity sends email notifications to end users for specific events; for example, when a folder has been shared with them. The Syncplicity Email Templates can be customized for your Enterprise account. The email banner graphic included in system-generated notification emails can also be customized. Send an email to, or open a service request at, to request this customization. 

Syncplicity includes the following types of email customization behaviors:

  • A folder owner's customization: The following email notifications can be used in emails when a folder owner shares or a recipient re-shares the folder:
    • Re-Share Notification
    • Share Invite Email
    • Share Invite Restricted Domain Email
    • Share Notification Email
  • A sender's customization: The following email notifications can be used in emails when the attention is focused on the action that is made on behalf of the sender:
    • Activate Personal Account Email
    • Admin Business Cancel Email
    • Admin Email Verification Limit Exceeded Email
    • Change SyncPoint Type Email
    • Contact Link Owner Email
    • Verification Email
    • Contact Owner Email
    • Remote Wipe Endpoint Email 
    • Share File Password Request Email
    • Share File With Existing User Email
    • Share File With New User Email
    • Share File With Restricted Domain Email
    • Share Folder Domain Restricted Email
    • Share Folder Email Invalid Email
    • Acceptance Request Email
  • All other emails: (when applicable) The recipient's customization.

NOTE: Depending upon your company Admin settings, when a user is deleted, email customization may not apply.

To customize your Syncplicity email templates, you must provide Syncplicity support with the following information:

  1. Specify whether you want to override the horizontal graphic banner image shown in the email.
    • For a custom banner, specify a URL to a PNG image of exactly 640x105 pixels.
  2. Specify whether to display your custom Support URL in the email template.
  3. Specify whether to add a customized email footer at the bottom of system-generated emails for your Syncplicity account.
    • For a custom footer, provide either an HTML markdown or plain text. Use HTML markdown for further customization and links. The maximum footer length is 1000 characters.

Adding URLs using Markdown

Markdown provides an easy way to insert URLs into text.  This is an [example](http_or_mailto_url) Markdown inline link. The link text is included within [ ] and the actual URL is included within ( ). Both http and mailto URLs can be used. Here is an example of the HTML that will be produced: 

<p>This is a <a href="">example</a> Markdown inline link.</p>

Customize the URL for first-level support

Large enterprises often assume responsibility of first-level support for Syncplicity. Your company admin can define a custom URL redirect for "Get Help" or "Support" links from various points in the Syncplicity workflow. A Support URL redirect will affect the following links:

  • Support link within the My Syncplicity site
  • Support links within email templates

 To customize the support URL or notification emails, send an email to, or open a service request at

To customize the My Syncplicity website logo see Branding with your company logo

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